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The Next Gen AMM

Main­net is live

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Available Liquidity

Sith­Swap is the next gen AMM on StarkNet fea­tur­ing in­stant volatile and sta­ble swaps with ul­tra low slip­page, near-ze­ro fees and the full se­cu­ri­ty of Ethereum. SithSwap has been built as an efficient and versatile liquidity exchange protocol, allowing builders and users to leverage a highly composable architecture offering deep, sustainable and adaptable liquidity. Sith­Swap sup­ports a rich incentives system comprised of escrows, staking pools, gauges, bribes and native $SITH emissions that can be escrowed to unlock exclusive benefits like the ability to govern key protocol parameters, including future emissions rewards.

Audited By

Some of the world's lead­ing Cairo and Solidity ex­perts

Nethermind Logo Audit Report

Backed by

Some of the world's lead­ing cryp­to in­vestors and builders



SithSwap offers StarkNet protocols the liquidity infrastructure to launch, bootstrap and grow in a decentralized & sustainable way.


  1. Q1 24

    AMM launch on post-re­gen­es­is StarkNet main­net. Code­base up­grade to Cairo1+ and re-audit.

  2. Q2 24

    Re­wards and in­cent­ives sys­tem Starknet test­net launch. Mi­gra­tion of rem­ain­ing li­quid­ity on leg­acy­ AMM de­ploy­ment to fi­nal AMM de­ploy­ment (Cairo 1+)

  3. Q2/Q3 24

    Pub­lic Sale main­net launch pending li­quid­ity and mar­ket con­di­tions on StarkNet.

  4. Q2/Q3 24

    Re­wards and in­cent­ives sys­tem StarkNet main­net launch. Be­gin­ning of the Re­wards sys­tem de­cent­ral­iz­a­tion pro­cess.

  5. Q4 24

    Additional products built on top of the SithSwap liquidity infrastructure (e.g. SLP-backed stablecoin)


When launch?
The Sith­Swap pro­tocol roll-out is split in­to its two lo­gic­al phases: 1 (AMM) and 2 (Re­wards). Phase 1 cul­min­ates with the launch of the Sith­Swap AMM on Starknet main­net, where­as Phase 2 with the launch of the Re­wards and in­cent­ives sys­tem. Refer to our roadmap and the launch sched­ule for more de­tails.
When to­ken?
The SITH token will be avail­able soon after the Pub­lic Sale is over, and no earli­er than Q3 23.
When pub­lic sale?
The Pub­lic Sale is ex­pec­ted to be held in the 2nd half of 2023, pending ad­equate li­quid­ity and mar­ket con­di­tions on StarkNet. Refer to our docs for more de­tails.
Is there a WL / OG role?
Can I be­come Am­bas­sador?
Maybe you can! In­quire with our Dis­cord team.
More FAQs